All EU Law articles

  • EU Watch

    Construction products regulations: Let’s try it another way


    The European commission is planning to strengthen the construction market by replacing the Construction Products Directive (CPD) with a new piece of regulation that will remove all remaining obstacles to the free circulation of construction products in the European Economic Area (EEA) on 26 May.

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    Come again: Energy Performance of ºÚ¶´ÉçÇøs Directive


    The EU Energy Performance of ºÚ¶´ÉçÇøs Directive hasn’t had much of an impact so far. So now the EU is rushing out a more ambitious successor …

  • Jill Craig

    Let there be more darkness


    Milestone though it was, the EU’s Sustainable Energy Week showed that we are still not doing simple things to cut carbon emissions – like turning lights off.

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    Waste opportunities


    EU watch The European commission wants a 20% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020. To meet this goal, a variety of policies and guidelines are due this year.

  • Jill Craig

    Safety check


    EU WATCH — The European Construction Safety Forum recently staged a conference to assess policies that aim to improve the construction sector’s health and safety record.

  • Jill Craig

    Water on the brain


    EU Watch - Large sections of Europe are experiencing droughts this summer but the union’s 25 environment ministers are talking about flooding. Jill Craig explains why

  • Jill Craig

    City plans


    The European parliament is about to vote on an innovative urban environment report. But will this mean neglected cities finally receive funding proportional to their needs?

  • Jill Craig

    Wake up, Gordon


    The cut-off date for member states to reduce their VAT on refurbishment was the end of last month. So why did our chancellor miss the chance in his Budget speech?

  • Jill Craig

    Look to Lisbon


    The MEPs have just voted on the directive that aims to create a single market in services, but by ditching the ‘country of origin' principle they have given in to the protectionists

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    Who wants 70bn euros?


    In the past, the construction industry has missed out on European research grants. But now, with a huge round of funding up for grabs, it's time to stand up and be noticed

  • Jill Craig

    Red-tape rollback


    The European commission has taken the first tentative steps in its campaign to make EU businesses more competitive by cutting regulation. And there’s a long way to go …

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    Hitting home


    The European Commission is loath to admit that its remit includes housing policy, but the scale of housing need in Europe may require it to adopt an integrated approach

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    Margaret’s mix-up


    Margaret Beckett says a central policy of Britain’s European Union presidency is to cut carbon dioxide emissions. So why is a directive that would actually do that being scrapped?

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    After Kyoto


    The European Union is looking to cut 40% of carbon emissions from buildings, but it hasn’t decided exactly how. So, now’s your chance to influence the debate …

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    There, there


    The proposed European services directive has been dubbed Bolkestein’s Monster. But it’s not that terrifying, if you’ll all just calm down and read the small print