Emily Wright

  • Graham Reid

    Hyder power: Graham Reid


    Graham Reid, Hyder’s UK managing director, explains how the firm has found itself with 500 vacancies to fill

  • Speech bubbles

    Everybody’s talking…


    … and unfortunately the government can’t hear a word they’re saying. It has never been more important for the industry to speak with one voice. Now the chairman of the CPA has a new plan

  • David Cash

    BDP's David Cash: Cashing in


    After a miserable 2011, BDP intends to boost profit by growing its international revenue by 20%. In an exclusive interview, the company’s new chairman explains the plan

  • Euro

    The shadow of the euro crisis


    Uncertainty over the euro is crippling the British construction sector’s chances of recovery. How bad could things could get for UK firms and how much longer can it go on?

  • Olympic heroes

    We made it: London 2012's unsung heroes


    The Olympics are a triumph for the UK construction industry, with the project coming in on time and on budget. As ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø continues its search for London 2012 unsung heroes, we talk to one experienced worker on the project, as well three young site-workers that have helped to make the ...

  • NA

    Supermarkets: What's in store?


    Supermarkets are preparing to shake up their framework agreements and plump for new ways of procuring work. So what will the new supply chain be expected to deliver? Emily Wright reports

  • Prisk

    Prisk plays down industry's PFI concerns


    Construction minister says resolving uncertainty over the future of PFI is not a top priority

  • Mark Prisk

    Interview with construction minister Mark Prisk


    ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø takes Mark Prisk to task on public sector cuts, PFI reform, pipeline delays and SMEs’ battle for survival

  • disputes

    Costly legal disputes: Everyone's a loser


    The amount spent on legal disputes has jumped by a third in the UK over the past year. Why are construction firms still so keen to spend on litigation?

  • Cathedral Group

    Cathedral Group's Martin Wood: Tales from the crypt


    The decor may be morbid but Cathedral Group’s business is in rude health. Emily Wright meets managing director Martin Wood and finds out why the developer is a firm that contractors should get to know. Photography by James Royall

  • Paul Neto

    Vinci looks to UK to avoid eurozone uncertainty


    Parent company seeking shelter in British energy and commercial markets, says UK boss

  • interview

    Interview with Vinci's Paul Neto: The man from special ops


    Paul Neto leads Vinci Construction UK’s crack special projects squad, which is only interested in the big stuff - major contracts and closing a mighty drop in profits. Portrait by James Bolton

  • Tony Jacob

    Interview with John Lewis' head of construction: Shopping in the dark


    The rise of online shopping has made it impossible to predict customer behaviour, says John Lewis’ head of construction Tony Jacob. But what he does know is that the future will involve further expansion across the UK, with more distribution hubs, call centres and ‘dark stores’. He explains all to ...

  • Olymics

    Olympic health and safety: Record breakers


    The Olympic big build project has been a massive success for UK construction - not least from a health and safety perspective. Emily Wright looks at how those involved delivered with one of the cleanest records ever - and what lessons can be learnt for the future. Illustration by Sarah ...

  • High speed Javelin train at Ashford station, HS2

    Government must hold firm on HS2 say BCO delegates


    Conference gives voice to fears that without strong transport links the regions could find themsleves economically isolated

  • A crowd at the BOC conference

    Demand for offices not being met in UK cities


    BCO conference warns that smaller UK cities are being failed by the commercial property sector with potential knock-on effect for economy

  • Julian Barwick (Julian anderson)

    Interview with Julian Barwick, Development Securities


    Development Securities is venturing away from its core business of commercial as hard times call for diversification, its development director Julian Barwick tells Emily Wright - en route to lunch

  • Construction Products Association

    Interview with Dr Diana Montgomery, CPA: Welcome to our world


    Dr Diana Montgomery has only been working in construction for four weeks and already she’s preparing to take on the government and the industry’s vested interests. In her first interview, the new chief executive of the CPA sets out her stall to Emily Wright

  • state of play

    The state of play 01: Contractors


    The double-dip recession that the industry has been dreading is finally upon us. But exactly how bad are things out there, and how much worse are they going to get? In the first part of ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø’s State of Play series examining the health of the industry, sector by sector, Emily ...

  • John Stanion

    The State of Play: Views from the top on the contractor market


    ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø’s State of Play series kicks off with a look at the contractor market – here, three top bosses predict the future for UK contractors

More by Emily Wright