All articles by Elaine Knutt – Page 2

  • News

    Industry divided over Brown's tax concessions


    Industry gives mixed reception to the chancellor's changes to the tax regime for contractors.

  • Features

    Message to deliver


    For new Construction Confederation chief Stephen Ratcliffe, focusing on external issues is the best way to unite its members.

  • News

    City welcomes new broom at Wimpey


    Sudden resignation of lifelong company man Dennis Brant makes way for former Rugby Group boss.

  • Features

    Robert Jones


    The former Conservative construction minister is now chairman of housebuilder Redrow. Which means he’s back with his first love: planning.

  • Features

    Cheque mate


    The grand master behind the Morrison-Anglian tie-up was not Sir Fraser Morrison. Here’s how younger brother Gordon brokered the lucrative deal and stepped into the limelight.

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    John Gains


    The man who put Mowlem back in profit is stepping into Sir Martin Laing’s shoes as the new president of the Construction Confederation – but is he straight-talking enough for the job?

  • Features

    Robert Syms: The builder from the old school


    Picture yourself on the Tory back benches, two years into your Westminster career, when you re suddenly appointed to a junior role on the shadow environment team. The transport brief is ideal for perfecting your soundbites for the Daily Mail, but then there s the construction portfolio, which everyone knows ...

  • Features

    They’re back


    A combination of shrewd populism and a government with more leaks than a sea-going sieve has pulled the Tories back from oblivion. So meet Archie Norman and Robert Syms, the men who must convince construction that now might be a good time to get to know the next government. Additional ...

  • Features

    Archie Norman: Why the Tories’ business plan will work


    Archie Norman is worried. He has seen the new offices he will soon inhabit at Portcullis House and is unimpressed. It s a funny set-up, he says. The furnishings are expensive but the actual accommodation is very modest. There are a number of small offices with ...

  • Features

    Mix and match


    The team building Glaxo SmithKline s headquarters in west London uses more than its fair share of data exchange technology. Its IT system combines CD-ROMs, an extranet and a technical drawings network.

  • News

    Morrison aims for record margins


    Chairman Sir Fraser predicts construction mark-ups will beat 5% next year, but plans to drop “construction” from group’s name.

  • Features

    Are the Eganites winning over the industry?


    On the eve of the third Egan conference, construction is at the Rubicon. Over the next 10 pages, ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø reflects on the report’s impact and asks whether the cult of Egan will become the industry’s official religion.

  • Features

    IT: Defects database - Perfect match


    This year’s Wimbledon is set to be fault-free – at least where the buildings are concerned, as Try tested a new zero-defects system on its latest project for the club.

  • Features

    Mr Rethink


    The boss of award-winning housebuilder Westbury is rising to the challenges of the stock market and the Internet.

  • Features

    There once was an ugly duckling …


    Provincial towns are being given much-needed makeovers to enable them to compete with their more fashionable neighbours.

  • Features

    Are we safer now?


    Astonishing – European regulations that the industry is more or less happy with. But have they made building sites any safer?

  • Features

    Learn to share


    Project extranets are no longer a daydream. Information Channel, co-developed by Schal, is a state-of-the-art document exchange system that will soon support e-commerce and more.

  • News

    Scots MPs back £230m parliament


    Miralles’ design gets the go ahead by 12 votes, averting £80m compensation claims from the project team.

  • Features

    Has he fixed it?


    Rebuilding the construction industry’s image is Bob’s toughest job yet. In fact, he’s been at it a year now, and he’s still not sure if he’s got anywhere. Luckily, Wendy is there to help him find out …

  • Features

    Added extras


    The team building Foster’s fencing mask – also known as the GLA headquarters – has a new weapon to fight inefficiency: a secure extranet that holds documents and drawings.