ࡱ> npo@ a+bjbjFF .x,,a#````1e1g1g1g1g1g1g1$3R5111 e1e1.0 gz`jc/e11<1y/66Op6,00660 ^~L11| | Speech at the Fringe Meeting at the Labour Party Conference 27 September 2006 Meeting the Climate Change Challenge: Delivering Sustainable Construction Thank you Nick, and good evening ladies and gentlemen. Although I am President of the Construction Products Association, I am speaking to you this evening on behalf of all 3 of the construction industrys major umbrella bodies. Together we represent an industry that has a turnover in the UK of 100billion and accounts for nearly 10% of GDP. When I looked through the list of events at this Conference it was very quickly apparent that climate change has become the second most important topic of conversation and you dont need me to tell you which is the first! And yet, just a few years ago at the beginning of this decade I suspect climate change received very little if any attention at any of the Party Conferences and few of those attending knew what the word sustainability actually meant. I also suspect that 6 years ago those who were aware of the issues, saw the construction industry was as part of the problem using scarce natural resources, generating vast amounts of waste, and despoiling the landscape. In reality we are very much part of the solution the means by which the country can regenerate our urban areas, develop efficient transport systems, and deliver energy efficient housing to ensure we meet the Governments Kyoto and other carbon reduction commitments. Nevertheless there is still much the industry can do to improve its own contribution to delivering more sustainable construction We need to reduce our carbon emissions. This is at the very top of our agenda, and we dont need Government to give us any further encouragement given the doubling of energy prices that most companies have faced over the last couple of years We need to be more efficient in our use of natural resources and to minimise waste emanating from our industry. Construction and demolition generates nearly 100 million tonnes of waste a year, almost half of which finds its way to landfill. Through a more integrated approach to the construction process and the development of site waste management plans we aim to reduce this. Construction accounts for the largest volume of goods on the transport network of this country and we need to improve the logistics in our industry so that we can reduce traffic movements and the environmental implications of these. We have some of the worlds top designers in this country, but not all our buildings excite the public and those who occupy them. There is scope for us to do better. We must make the industry safer. There has been encouraging progress over the last few years with the number of deaths on construction sites falling to 59 last year from 69 the year before, accompanied by a reduction in the number serious injuries. Every death and injury is one too many and we know we need to do better in our factories and quarries as well as on construction sites. Contractors are also now giving much more attention to occupational health. Finally, we must ensure we have a fully trained workforce throughout the industry. With effect from 1 October, everyone with a construction trade working on MCG sites must either have an appropriate skills card or be taking steps to obtain one. From the beginning of next year it is intended that everyone working on an MCG site will have an appropriate skills card. And whilst the industry has its part to play, so has Government if we are to meet the challenge of climate change and deliver sustainable construction. First, we want Government to set long term targets for What do we want to see from Government to help us achieve this? Set long term targets (in consultation with industry and others) for reductireductionsons in carbon in the built environment. , and then let us get on with developing means of meeting these both in our own operations and in the buildings we create. At present itGovernment is trying to micro manage the industry with too many conflicting and overlapping initiatives, setting targets that have too short a time frame and are subject to review, and leaving critical decisions until the last minute. and work on too short a time frame for us to m For companies like mine which have to make major capital investment decisions and develop new and innovative products to help deliver what Government wants, this is extremely unhelpful (John a short personal illustration would be helpful here). What the industry needs is a clear long term target with 5 year milestones to ensure we are on track to delivering this. Government should then get out of the way and let us get on with the task.ake the investments that are necessary for achieving long term goals. What would be really ideal would be a political consensus on targets across all the main political parties. That really should be possible on an issue as important as climate change. Secondly, there needs to be much more focus on Pay far more attention to the opportunities for energy reduction in the existing building stock, and particularly the existing housing stock. 27% of our carbon emissions come from dwellings and yet 82% of this stock was built before 1980. It is at least 3 times less energy efficient than the stock we are building today. The Prime Minister has shown political leadership on climate change, but Chancellor Merkel in Germany is the one who has committed her Government to action to deliver real reductions in carbon emissions from the existing buildings through a series of impressive measures. In this country, from June next year all those who buy a house will be given an Energy Performance Certificate. People need to be encouraged to act on these reports and what we want to see is some real financial incentives (reduced council tax or stamp duty rebate) to encourage them to implement the recommendations in these reports within a short period of buying the house. This must be a priority for the Pre Budget Report later this year. Thirdly, Government needs (in consultation with our EU partners) to Ssort out the confusion that currently exists regarding the re-use of products that are by products from one industry but have a value in another. Too many are being defined as waste products, something which seriously restricts their potential for further use. This is hardlyThe current situation is not sustainable in either an environmental or an economic sense. Finally, we want to see Government Use Government purchasing to procurement undertaken in a more sustainable way. The industry was pleased to be part of the group that helped Sir Neville Sims prepare his excellent report on Sustainable Procurement earlier this year, and we are hoping to see a really positive response from Government to his recommendations. We already have seen the priority that is being given to Legacy and Sustainability in the Olympics Projects and endorsed by 2 senior Ministers. These include: - the development of a Sustainability Action Plan covering the environmental, economic and social aspects of each project - a commitment that all projects will incorporate best practice approaches to resource use, waste minimisation, low-carbon performance, employment and training. - plans to enhance, create, and protect the local natural environment Surely the same emphasis should be given to all public sector construction projects? Excellent report from Neville Sims who had support from key industry players in developing this. And we should not forget that sustainability also includes economic and social issues. If Government wants its buildings to enhance the built environment it should use the widely respected Design Quality Indicators. And if it wants to ensure the safety of the workers that build them, it should require a fully qualified workforce on all its sites. In summary, therefore, there is a real opportunity for industry and Government to work together on the climate change agenda in order to: Deliver on the Kyoto and long-term carbon / greenhouse gas reduction targets Remove fuel poverty through upgrading the existing housing stock Help create a thriving construction industry that enhances the built environment of this country I am sure these are objectives we can all agree on. The challenge is to agree the agenda for delivering them. Also ensure that Government requires fully qualified workforce on its construction sites and projects that use Design Quality Indicators. Opportunities from sustainable construction for industry and Government Have a thriving industry that seeks to be world-class Deliver on its Kyoto and long-term carbon / greenhouse gas reduction targets Remove fuel poverty through upgrade of existing stock Come closer to achieving carbon-neutrality in buildings through innovation, incentivisation and sound policy framework An efficient and safe construction industry achieved through integrated teams that focuses on whole life performance, quality and best value  * +  " 0 V v ξޮޮ~~ޮn~^NnNnHh8fht^JmH sH HhFht^JmH sH HhFhztn^JmH sH Hh7fht^JmH sH Hh7fhJ=+^JmH sH HhFhztn^JmH sH HhWFhztn^JmH sH HhfhJ=+^JmH sH HhWFhJ=+^JmH sH HhWFh^JmH sH "HhWFh5^JmH sH QR 78llllllllGC$EƀWFgdJ$C$EƀWFa$gd a+   + ,  B^gbmϿ߿ϯ߯ϟϯϏo_oOOϟHh@fht^JmH sH Hh;fhJ=+^JmH sH Hh;fht^JmH sH Hh;fhz^JmH sH HhfhJ=+^JmH sH HhWFhztn^JmH sH Hh:fht^JmH sH HhFhztn^JmH sH HhWFh^JmH sH HhWFht^JmH sH Hh9fht^JmH sH 8,-llGC$EƀWFgdK & FC$EƀWFgdmp !+FGKQdϿϿϿooo_OHhHfh{;:^JmH sH HhWFh{;:^JmH sH HhCfht^JmH sH HhFfh{;:^JmH sH HhEfh{;:^JmH sH HhBfht^JmH sH HhWFhztn^JmH sH HhWFh^JmH sH HhFhztn^JmH sH HhWFht^JmH sH HhAfht^JmH sH 67JYZj 1z߿o_O?O/HhФfh#^JmH sH HhҤfh#^JmH sH HhIfh#^JmH sH HhѤfh#^JmH sH HhϤfh#^JmH sH HhIfh{;:^JmH sH Hhfhz^JmH sH HhWFhztn^JmH sH HhWFhz^JmH sH HhWFh^JmH sH HhHfhz^JmH sH HhHfh{;:^JmH sH HhHfh^JmH sH 9:l$lGC$EƀWFgdK & FC$EƀWFgdGC$EƀHfgd{;:z#+19:PvϿϿoTB2oHhfhz^JmH sH "Hhfhz5^JmH sH 5Hhfhzhz^JmH sH f*5Hhfhz^JmH sH Hhfhz^JmH sH Hhfhz^JmH sH Hhfh#^JmH sH HhѤfh#^JmH sH HhKfh{;:^JmH sH HhJfh{;:^JmH sH HhJfh#^JmH sH HhӤfh#^JmH sH wxyl$$GC$EƀWFgdHK & FC$EƀfgdGC$Eƀfgdzvwxy+IJǹs\C,-hHh\cHdhdhdh'FmH sH 0hHh\5cHdhdhdh'FmH sH -h\h\cHdhdhdh'FmH sH HhfhJ=+mH sH Hh(Fh\mH sH Hh'Fh\mH sH Hh&Fh\mH sH Hh#FhHmH sH Hh#Fh\mH sH HhWFhmH sH 2HhWFhzhmH sH f*^JHhѤfhz^JmH sH  yJg]] & FC$gdHK & FC$Eƀ&Fgd\GC$Eƀ&FgdHgdH HѻíhQC5Hh*Fh\mH sH HhfhJ=+mH sH -hHh\cHdhdhdh*FmH sH -hHh\cHdhdhdh)FmH sH -hHhJ=+cHdhdhdhfmH sH -hHh]tcHdhdhdhufmH sH Hhufh]tmH sH hHmH sH HhfhJ=+mH sH -hHhJ=+cHdhdhdhfmH sH -hHh\cHdhdhdh(FmH sH ,FGPS}"HIgiǹ㔆xxhZxZC-hHh/cHdhdhdhfmH sH HhfhJ=+mH sH HhfhJ=+6mH sH HhfhJ=+mH sH Hhfh/mH sH HhfhJ=+mH sH -hHh?vcHdhdhdhFmH sH HhFhJ=+mH sH HhFh?vmH sH HhfhJ=+mH sH HhFh?vmH sH HhfhJ=+mH sH lGC$EƀfgdJ=+K & FC$Eƀ/FgdHefgh#%7KѺqZL>0Hh:FhgHmH sH Hh:Fh(#mH sH HhFh?vmH sH -hHhcHdhdhdh/FmH sH Hh.FhmH sH Hh/FhmH sH -hHhcHdhdhdh.FmH sH HhFh?vmH sH hHmH sH -hHh/cHdhdhdhfmH sH -hHh?vcHdhdhdhFmH sH -hHh?vcHdhdhdhFmH sH fgYRC$Eƀ/FgdJ=+ofd&h^hT & FEƀfgdJ=+ofd&^gho'GC$EƀfgdzI & FEƀ"FgdHFEƀ.FgdKT]dn 34AyǹǹwdwdQdQ>%HHh8Fhfh(#mH sH %HHh3FhfhmH sH %HHh0FhfhmH sH %HHh7Fhfh(#mH sH %HHh0Fhfh(#mH sH HhfhzmH sH Hh0Fh(#mH sH Hh0FhmH sH Hh/FhmH sH Hh/Fh(#mH sH Hh:Fh(#mH sH HhfhgHmH sH ]Ƴ쳠zgTAT.%HHhAFhfh(#mH sH %HHh@Fhfh(#mH sH %HHh4FhfhmH sH %HHh4Fhfh(#mH sH %HHh3FhfhmH sH %HHh9Fhfh(#mH sH %HHh8FhfhzmH sH %HHh8Fhfh(#mH sH %HHhfhfhgHmH sH %HHhfhfhgHmH sH %HHhfhfh/mH sH eGC$EƀBFgd(#RC$Eƀfgdzofd&h^h :ACde٠zgYK4-hHh(#cHdhdhdhDFmH sH HhCFh(#mH sH HhBFhHmH sH %HHh6FhBFhmH sH %HHh fhfh/mH sH %HHh9Fhfh(#mH sH %HHh6FhfhmH sH %HHh4FhfhmH sH %HHh4Fhfh(#mH sH %HHhAFhfh(#mH sH %HHhCFhfh(#mH sH  !! 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