Tarmac / Lovell Showcase

Tarmac ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Products is building two homes at the University of Nottingham in order to provide housebuilders and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) with a blueprint for low cost, scaleable zero-carbon housing which has the potential to be replicated across the UK.

The Tarmac Homes project is a landmark initiative between Tarmac and its partners Lovell Partnerships, the leading affordable housing provider, and the University of Nottingham's School of the Built Environment, which will demonstrate to the UK housebuilding industry that low and zero-carbon homes can be built easily and affordably using traditional masonry materials and techniques.

Two traditional, three bedroom semi-detached homes are being built at the University of Nottingham campus - one property is being built to Code Level 4 - and the other to Level 6 of the Code for Sustainable Homes.

The project aims to develop the lowest cost solution for a 3 bed semi-detached Code Level 6 home, demonstrating that masonry materials and techniques can and will play a major role in the creation of low and zero-carbon housing.