You have asked for opinions on starting a new nuclear power station program (20 May, page 13).

As a former scientist with a doctorate in nuclear physics, it is clear to me that:

  • Power from wind farms is only economical in remote windswept islands because, otherwise, there have to be back-up power sources for when the wind is not blowing
  • Power from solar cells is only feasible in small quantities in the UK
  • The capability of sea wave machines is not likely to be proven for 20 years
  • The public cannot be persuaded to save domestic electricity on a scale sufficient to be of any impact
  • Nuclear power (which produces 1 million times more energy than the same mass of coal, gas or oil) is the only alternative. The decommissioning of old stations and disposal of radioactive waste constitute less than 0.1% of initial costs.

The French, who produce 75% of their electricity from uranium, are into a national power station replacement program. Moreover, the UK gets French electricity from a cable under the channel that is equivalent to one power station. This cable should be duplicated.

Ian Williams, Watford
