Here’s a sneak preview of the conference programme and seminar highlights at next year’s Ecobuild

Ecobuild the future logo

, the world’s biggest sustainable construction show, takes place on 5-7 March at the ExCel centre in London

Uk green building council



Ecobuild Arena
11.00 - 12.00
The Green Deal and ECO - how will it deliver?

Host: Emily Maitlis

  • Minister from Department of Energy and Climate Change
  • Paul King, chief executive, UK Green ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Council
  • Howard Kerr, chief executive, BSI
  • Richard McCarthy, executive director for central government, Capita Symonds

Ecobuild Arena
12.45 - 13.45
Is this the end of the road for zero carbon?

Host: Emily Maitlis

  • Dr Brenda Boardman, emeritus fellow at Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute, and author of ECI’s Achieving Zero: Delivering Future-Friendly ºÚ¶´ÉçÇøs
  • Mark Clare, chief executive, Barratt


14.30 - 15.30
Rating systems - time to review and rationalise?

  • James Parker, senior research engineer, BSRIA
  • Louise Ellison, head of sustainability, Quintain
  • Robin Nicholson, senior partner, Cullinan Studio

Platinum Suite 2
16.00 - 17.00
Sustainable communities - top down or bottom up?

  • Professor Anne Power, professor of social policy and CASE Association, London School of Economics (LSE)
  • Chris Tinker, executive board director and regeneration chairman, Crest Nicholson
  • Rob Hopkins, co-founder, Transition Network


10.45 - 11.45
Green for growth - reality check

  • Minister from Department of Business, Innovation & Skills
  • Mike Putnam, chief executive, Skanska UK; and co-chair Green Construction Board
  • Professor Chris Gorse, professor of construction and project management and director of the Centre for Knowledge Exchange, Leeds Metropolitan University
  • Rhian Kelly, director of energy and climate change, CBI

Ecobuild Arena
12.15 - 13.15
Beating the performance gap - regulate or educate?

Host: Jonathan Dimbleby

  • Jack Pringle, chair, Construction Industry Council
  • John Tebbit, deputy chief executive, Construction Products Association
  • Pete Halsall, chair, Good Homes Alliance

Platinum Suite 2
13.45 - 14.45
A future for microgeneration?

  • Minister from DECC (name tbc)
  • David Richards, director of sustainability, Arup
  • Jeremy Leggett, author, The Carbon War and Half Gone; founder and chairman, Solarcentury and SolarAid; and chairman, CarbonTracker
  • Dave Sowden, chief executive, Micropower Council, and secretary general, Micropower Europe
  • Ant Wilson, director, sustainability, building engineering, AECOM

Platinum Suite 2
15.15 - 16.15
Embodied energy - time for regulation?

  • Professor Brian Norton, president, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin Energy Lab
  • Jeff Maxted, technical director, BLP Insurance


Ecobuild Arena
10.45 - 12.00
Is the NPPF delivering on its promise of ‘sustainable development?’

Host: Krishnan Guru-Murthy

  • Dr Hugh Ellis, chief planner, Town & Country Planning Association (TCPA)
  • Brian Waters, chairman, National Planning Forum and vice chair NPF (professions)

Ecobuild Arena
12.30 - 13.30
Joined up infrastructure - linking green with grey

Host: Krishnan Guru-Murthy

  • Neil Bennett, partner, Farrells
  • Peter Madden, chief executive, Forum for the Future
  • Martin Powell, global head of urban development, Siemens

Platinum Suite 2
14.15 - 15.15
Dehydrating while we drown

  • Trevor Bishop, Head of Water Resources, Environment Agency
  • Professor Chris Spray, chair, Water Science and Policy at UNESCO Centre, University of Dundee (tbc)
  • Mark Pendlington, director, Anglian Water Regional Group; and chairman, New Anglia’s Green Economy Pathfinder Board
  • David Weight, sustainability consultant, Aecom



Platinum Suite 2
10.45 - 11.45
The Biophilic City

Lecture: Professor Tim Beatley, University of West Virginia

Platinum Suite 2
13.00 - 14.00
Does the UK have any hope of achieving its 2050 carbon reduction target?

  • David Reiner, senior lecturer in technology policy, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
  • David Strong, consultant, David Strong Consulting
  • Paul King, chief executive, UKGBC

Platinum Suite 2
14.15 - 15.15
New economic realities

Lecture: Andrew Simms, policy director, New Economics Foundation

Ecobuild Arena
16.00 - 17.00
Is fracking the future?

Host: Emily Maitlis

  • Dr Victoria Johnson, senior researcher and head of climate change and energy, New Economics Foundation
  • Dr Richard Miller, independent peak oil consultant
  • John Broderick, knowledge transfer fellow, Tyndall Climate Change Institute


Platinum Suite 2
11.00 - 12.00
Can green drive the next wave of growth?

Lecture: Leo Johnson, partner, PwC, and co-founder, Sustainable Finance

Platinum Suite 2
12.30 - 13.30
Carrot or stick? Achieving behaviour change

  • Dr Cameron Hepburn, senior research fellow, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics
  • Duncan Young, sustainability manager - new business and workplace change manager, Lend Lease
  • Rebekah Phillips, associate, Green Alliance
  • David Symons, director, WSP Environment & Energy

Ecobuild Arena
14.30 - 15.30
Joanna Lumley in conversation with Jonathan Dimbleby

Ecobuild Arena
16.15 - 17.15
Making our cities better

Host: Jonathan Dimbleby

  • Chris Brown, chief executive, Igloo
  • Professor Peter Guthrie, professor, University of Cambridge


Platinum Suite 2
11.00 - 12.00
The self-sufficient city - integrating food production into buildings

  • Michele Brunello, partner, Stefano Boeri Architetti
  • Jason Prior, chief executive, buildings + places, AECOM
  • Kath Dalmeny, policy director, Sustain

Platinum Suite 2
12.45 - 13.45
Is there a future for nuclear?

  • Professor Sir David King, former chief scientific adviser, Department of Energy and Climate Change
  • Oliver Tickell, journalist, author and campaigner on health and environment issues, and author of the Kyoto2 climate initiative

Platinum Suite 2
14.30 - 15.30
Climate change - why we are here?

  • Professor Sir Brian Hoskins, director, Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London
  • Peter Head CBE, executive chairman, The Ecological Sequestration Trust



11.15 - 12.15
Sustainable design should be irresistible design

Host: Angela Brady, president, Royal Institute of British Architects

  • Louis Becker, international director and partner, Henning Larsen
  • Annie Chu, founding principal, Chu + Gooding Architects

13.00 - 14.00
Lessons from the past

Host: Professor Herbert Girardet, co-founder of the World Future Council and author

  • Gerard Evenden, Foster + Partners
  • Bill Dunster, principal, ZEDFactory
  • Justin Bere, director, Bere Architects

Ecobuild Arena
14.45 - 15.45
Reinventing the high street

Host: Emily Maitlis

  • Chris Brown, chief executive, Igloo
  • David Kohn, director, David Kohn Architects
  • Munish Datta, head of property Plan A, Marks and Spencer
  • Dan Thompson, artist, and founder, the Empty Shops Network

16.00 - 17.00
Is BIM the saviour of sustainable design?

Host: Thomas Lane, group technical editor, ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø and Ecobuild

  • Michael Beaven, BIM leader, Arup
  • Sunand Prasad, senior partner, Penoyre & Prasad
  • Ken Shuttleworth, founding partner, Make Architects


11.15 - 12.15
How can design help to create sustainable communities

Host: Gary Young, partner, Farrells

  • Wendy Shillam, director, Urbaneye
  • Pooran Desai, co-founder, BioRegional, and international director, One Planet Communities
  • Liane Hartley, director, Mend

13.00 - 14.00
Lecture: tbc

Host: Ike Ijeh, architecture correspondent, ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Magazine

  • Speaker tbc

14.45 - 15.45
Water Sensitive Urban Design

Host: Celeste Morgan, director, sustainability, Aecom

  • Professor Tony Wong, chief executive officer, the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities
  • Sue Illman, president elect, Landscape Institute

Thursday 7 March 2013

11.15 - 12.15
What about the over 70s?

Host: Lord Richard Best, chair, HAPPI Panel, and president, Local Government Association

  • David Birkbeck, chief executive, Design for Homes (tbc)
  • Barbara Douglas, strategic director, the Quality of Life Partnership
  • Rita Newton, environmental gerontologist, SURFACE Inclusive Design Research Centre, University of Salford

13.00 - 14.00
How far can wood replace concrete and steel?

Host: Kieran Long, architecture critic, Evening Standard

  • Mike Taylor, partner, Hopkins
  • Professor Richard Harris, professor of timber engineering, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath

Ecobuild Arena
14.45 - 15.45
Encouraging sustainability through art

Host: Krishnan Guru-Murthy

  • APE - Artists Project Earth (details to follow)
  • Oliver James, psychologist, writer and broadcaster
  • Tom Hodgkinson, writer, editor, The Idler



Platinum Suite 1
10.45 - 11.45
Financing green property

Host: Bill Hughes, managing director, Legal and General

  • Nigel Roberts, Hermes
  • Ashley Blake, Land Securities
  • Nigel Webb, British Land

13.00 - 14.00
What’s sustainable property worth?

  • Andrew Gulliford, chief operating officer, Segro
  • Chris Perkins, Prudential
  • Andrew Renshaw, Jones Lang LaSalle
  • John Symes-Thompson, CBRE

14.30 - 15.30
Making green leases work

  • Kevin Chapman, Lend Lease
  • John Burton, Westfield
  • Jenny Pidgeon, Henderson
  • Michael Creamer, CoreNet

15.30 - 16.30
The office of the future

  • David Pringle, Co-op
  • Mark Thompson, Director, Sustainability & Climate Change, PWC
  • Dave Dunbar, BT

16.30 - 17.30
The shop of the future

  • Geoff Harris, director of property and development, Henderson
  • Naomi Wells, Waitrose
  • Munish Datta, Marks & Spencer
  • Neil Sachdev, Sainsburys
  • Neil Pennell, Land Securities



Platinum Suite 1

Understanding the sustainability drivers in overseas markets

What is driving the sustainability agenda in global markets?

  • John Alker, director of policy and communications UK Green ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Council
  • James Rowlands, Global Research and Policy Project Manager, RICS)
  • Aleksandra Krstanovic, director AECOM
  • Phil Buttery, CEO, International Sustainability Alliance
  • Simon Cox, Vice President Project Management and UK Sustainability Officer, Prologis

What and where are the market opportunities for sustainability expertise in BRIC nations?

Which countries present a good market opportunity for sustainability expertise and what are the opportunities within those markets?

  • Julian Sutherland, design director Atkins
  • Simon Rawlinson, head of strategic research, EC Harris
  • Jon Lovell, head of sustainability, Drivers Jonas Deloitte
  • Speaker from the Shenzhen Government, China

What sustainability strategies are needed for different climatic zones?

How do you design a building in different extreme climates and what are the technical considerations which designers need to consider?

  • Alan Shingler, head of sustainability, Sheppard Robson
  • Robert Buckley, sustainable design director, AECOM
  • Frank Mills, founder McGrath Mills Consulting

Successfully delivering sustainable buildings in emerging markets

What are the challenges in delivering sustainable buildings in emerging markets and what strategies are needed for success?

  • Helen Pineo, BREEAM Communities manager, BRE
  • Speaker from Premier Inn



Refurbishing Britain

14.15 - 15.30
The Green Deal - from debate to delivery

Chair: Richard McCarthy, executive director for central government, Capita Symonds

  • Philip Morris, head of household energy (acting), Centre for Sustainable Energy
  • Birmingham City Council (speaker tbc)
  • Carillion (speaker tbc)

Delivering sustainability in the city

15.45 - 17.00
Regenerative cities - from urban regeneration to ‘eco-regeneration’

Chair: Professor Herbert Girardet

  • Nick Grayson, climate change and sustainability, Birmingham City Council
  • Paul Toyne, group head of sustainability, WSP


Delivering sustainability in the city

10.30 - 12.00
Smart Cities - making the technology work

Chair: Charles Secrett, Robertsbridge Group

  • Ian Short, chief executive, Institute for Sustainability
  • Dr Rick Robinson, smarter cities executive architect, IBM
  • Martin Powell, global head of urban development, Siemens

Waste, water and materials

14.30 - 16.00
Materials - responsible sourcing of construction products: drivers and principles

Chair: Sarah Cary, British Land

  • Derek Hughes, responsible sourcing scheme manager, BRE Global
  • Nigel McKay, head of procurement, Lend Lease
  • James Goodfellow, Make Architects


Delivering sustainability in the city

10.30 - 12.00
Water Sensitive Urban Design - putting the business case into practice

Chair: Paul Lincoln, Landscape Institute

  • Professor Tony Wong, chief executive, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
  • Celeste Morgan, sustainability director, AECOM
  • Peter Wilder, Wilder Associates

Designing and building with Passivhaus principles

10.45 - 11.15
Delivering Passivhaus around the globe - the six climatic zones

  • David Gale, director, Gale & Sowden
  • Bill Gething, sustainability consultant, Max Fordham
  • Kym Mead, head of Passivhaus, BRE

Whole life carbon and other impacts

10.30 - 12.00
Carbon profiling - practical whole life carbon measurement

Chair: Thomas Lane, group technical editor, ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø and Ecobuild

  • Simon Sturgis, managing director, Sturgis Carbon Profiling
