Boats, LinkedIn and REM tick all the boxes this week

What is your favourite website

Expedia or TripAdvisor - or any of the big travel websites, come to think of it. When I’m not working I love to travel - even more so now there are ways of taking all of the pain and stress away from organising it!

What is your worst digital habit?

Not responding to personal messages in a timely manner, especially on Facebook. It’s because I’m busy, pure and simple, but I think some of my less busy family members think I don’t want to talk with them, which is not the case - well, most of the time…!

iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?

iPhone all the way.

Are you into social networking? (linkedin, twitter, facebook etc)

I’d like to be, but time is always against me. LinkedIn has been my weapon of choice so far - it’s great for business and keeping your finger on the pulse with groups, discussions etc - but I’m a bit of a Facebook and Twitter rookie, I’m afraid.

Are you on Twitter? If so who do you recommend to follow?

As I say, I’m a Twitter rookie. But, as of last week, am now ‘in the Twittersphere’ - you can find me on . @Travlandleisure was my first ever follow.

What is your favourite app?

That’s a tricky one. Boatie is excellent, as I have a cruiser and it gives me details on tides, wind, weather etc at the press of a screen. But I should tip my hat to Skype as well - to be able to talk to and, more importantly, see my loved ones wherever I am in the world is a wonderful thing.

What is your preferred means of communication? (eg. Email, phone, face to face, text etc)

The more you can interact with people the better, so face-to-face will always trump phone, phone over email etc. From a convenience point of view, though, Chatter on has been revolutionary for me when it comes to business.

What did you last buy online?

A boat heater - to keep me warm when I’m on the boat, and to keep her warm when I’m not!
PC or Mac? I arm myself with a laptop & iPad at all times but, if forced to choose, I’d have to say PC.

Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?

REM, or possibly Madness. They’re not to everyone’s tastes, but I think I relate to the craziness element in more ways than one!

Mark Tomlin is UK group sales and marketing director, SIG