Thank you for your letter about my last column (5 June, page 30)

Essentially, I agree with most of what you say. But I don’t recall saying in any of my ڶ articles or elsewhere that I know what style of building is good for society. I am reasonably confident from a large number of surveys that most people want “traditional” style (a broader term than “classical”). That may or may not be good for society or even the survival of the species. Style is really only socially symbolic and, of any kind, quite physically superficial in comparison with structure, servicing and so on.

Architects get very worked up about style and so do many consumers of architecture, so presumably it’s important to them. It is, however, of very little significance to the world's resources provided sustainable materials and forms of construction are employed.

Style is really only socially symbolic and, of any kind, quite Physically superficial in comparison with structure, servicing and so on

Robert Adam

Robert Adam
