Many of your readers are facing what is now known as the ‘the care crunch’. This is a situation where they are sandwiched between supporting children and often grandchildren, as well as looking after their elderly parents.

The care crunch comes about when both ends of the age scale need extensive looking-after when such things as the cost of university fees and care homes stretch the household budget to breaking point.

The impact of being one of the sandwich generation will always have a greater affect on those with low incomes and savings but, increasingly, people with responsible middle management positions are also facing a real squeeze.

EEIBA (the Electrical and Electronics Industries Benevolent Association) is here to signpost help and access government grants and benefits for those in need. I hope your readers will think about how their industry’s charity can help in these difficult times.

It is easy to get in touch. Just go to our website – – or telephone 020 8673 0131.

Timothy Lambert, chief executive, EEIBA