Heineken’s competition is for a concept nightclub based on the theme ‘changing perspectives’

Lee Gibson's renderings for the Heineken club design challenge

Heineken design challenge for pop-up club - renderings by Lee Gibson

Drinks firm has sponsored a group of young designers and architects from around the world to conceive of a nightclub that responds to the theme “changing perspectives”.

The 19 selected designers from Milan, New York, Sao Paulo and Tokyo will create a pop-up club to be unveiled at the Milan Furniture Fair next month.

The collaborative project is part of Heineken Open Design Explorations Edition 1: The Club that involved a year of discovery between the drinks company, designers and clubbers.

The club will feature a flexible, origami-influenced structure, accommodating the flow of guests and an interactive bar.

Lighting is a key feature - responsive surfaces and spaces at the venue will react with different lights to give a multitude of perspectives, encouraging social interaction between guests.