The young QS on a placement at RLF took on the nickname ‘the golfer’ even before she began work

I’m 21 and have been working for on an industrial placement for seven months at its main office in Farringdon, London. I decided on a career in construction having carried out some work experience in a QS office where I became fascinated by the diverse range of data and information that the profession deals with on a daily basis.

I then carried out further research into the different aspects of the construction industry and I decided to go for a sandwich degree course in quantity surveying and construction commercial management at .

I applied for work placement positions at RLF after my first year at university - and when I found out I had been offered a place, I was delighted and couldn’t wait to start.

I was invited to the firm’s golf day before I started and this enabled me to become acquainted with some of my future work colleagues. It definitely broke the ice and I was really looking forward to my first day at work although I did pick up the nickname of ‘The golfer’!

As a keen golfer, I was invited to the firm’s golf day before I started and this enabled me to become acquainted with some of my future work colleagues. It definitely broke the ice and I was really looking forward to my first day at work although I did pick up the nickname of ‘The golfer’!

I can’t talk about a typical day in the office because that just doesn’t exist - no day is the same! I usually get to the office about 8:30am and depending on the work planned for the day leave around 5:30pm.

My seven months at RLF have flown by and I feel I’ve been given ample opportunities to gain experience within the different divisions of the company including QS, project management and health and safety. The company has encouraged me to achieve the maximum I can in my short time here, providing me with a variety of work to supplement my learning at university.

Recently I have had to split my time between the project management and QS divisions as I’m working as a project manager on the Marlborough Fine Art Gallery Project. I became involved with this project and wanted to follow it through to its completion as I felt I was learning a huge amount, which was broadening my knowledge of construction. I am also enjoying this project as it is in the arts sector and this gallery in Mayfair requires a high quality finish.

In the QS division I assist on cost plans, CAD measure BIM, cost reports, valuations, variations and preparing contract documents. In the project management division I assist on issuing change request forms, instructions as well as attending and writing the minutes of various meetings. In addition to this, I assist in the health and safety division in a variety of aspects.

I am also part of a youth think tank group here that brings together all the younger members of the company to try and create new ideas, which are then presented to the partners.

The experience I’ve gained here will prove to be invaluable, especially in helping me in my final year at university and I am very grateful to all my work colleagues for the opportunity of tapping into their experience.

Kat Hurworth is a QS at Robinson Low Francis