The presents God & Co:  Francois Dallegret Beyond The Bubble. Dallegret, most famous for his work on ‘bubble houses’ was a leading architectural and design provocateur during 1960s and 1970s.  

Counting Reyner Banham, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Iris Clert as friends and collaborators, Dallegret’s creations fused the period’s pop art flair with his industrial drawing techniques, vivid imagination and an anarchic sense of fun.  

The exhibition provides the chance to meet Dallegret and explore his world and work including bubble housing, earth orbiting city space rockets, extraordinary astrological vehicles, drug store designs and even science-fiction westerns.

Venue: Architectural Association School of Architecture, 36 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3ES. For more visit the .