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Cost model - OPTION A
High-quality hard landscaping to circus quadrant including tented roof, steps, kiosks and ornamental pool, with associated street converted to covered mall
ÌýElement cost (£)£/m2 gfa % of total cost
Preparatory works35 5009.591.61
Breaking up tarmacadam road paving, removing paving flags, taking up kerbs, gulleys, etc, taking down lampposts, etc, and removing from siteÌý1750 m2 @£10
Excavate over site to reduce levels and cart awayÌý1500 m2 @£12
Pavings and landscaping474 500128.2421.55
50 mm sawn granite slabs 300 x 500 mm with flame textured surface finish bedded in granite dust and on 150 mm MOT type 1 granular fillingÌý1550 m2 @£110
Ditto as curved steps 700 mm wide including granite riser and reinforced concrete steps belowÌý350 m2 @£250
65 mm granite setts 200 x 100 mm bedded on 60 mm cement and sand screed (1:4), 150 mm 21 N/mm2 concrete bed and 150 mm MOT type 1 granular filling Ìý700 m2 @£140
10 m high 350-400 mm girth semi-nature tree (£2000) in purpose-made aluminium planterÌý5 @£4,500
28 mm terrazzo tile pavings to mall area on 25 mm cement and sand screed (1:4) on 150 mm 21 N/mm2 reinforced concrete bed on granular fillÌý900 m2 @£90
Structures705 000190.5432.02
Steel-frame mast and tensioned Teflon (30-year life) tented structure spanning 40 m including foundationsÌý600 m2 @£400
Kiosks (7 x 4 m)Ìý3 @£25 000
Ornamental, irregular-shaped raised concrete pond clad in granite including central fountain, filtration and sterilisation equipment, underwater illumination and water supply, etcÌý200 m2 @£1,500
Concrete retaining wall 3 m deep on foundations to sides of sunken area, one side 2 m high and top-clad in graniteÌý75 m @£1,200
Mall structures442 500119.620.1
Double-glazed, fire-vented mall roof on supporting steelwork including rainwater goods Ìý900 m2 @£400
Double-glazed aluminium curtain walls to ends of mallÌý150 m2 @£350
Extra over last for three sets of doors, two automatic sliding and one hinged Ìý30 m2 @£1,000
Street furniture61 60016.652.8
Granite benches 2 x 1 x 0.6 m including foundationsÌý9 @£2,000
Stainless steel balustrading 1 m highÌý76 m @£250
Stainless steel handrailÌý10 m @£100
Granite bollards 1 m highÌý20 @£1,000
Stainless steel litter binsÌý4 @£9,000
Drainage and external services138 50037.436.29
Surface water drainage to paved area including surface drains, recessed manhole covers and connection to sewersÌý3500 m2 @£15
General street lighting for an average 30 lux based on 5 m stainless steel columns @ 12 m centres and double-headed luminairesÌý2200 m2 @£20
Special lighting to tented areaÌý600 m2 @£20
Public highway services and connectionsÌýallow£30 000
Additional services to mall143 90038.896.54
Warm air curtains above mall entrancesÌý6 @£4,000
Ventilation to mallÌý900 m2 @£60
Lighting to mall including emergency lighting and luminairesÌý900 m2 @£50
Smoke alarm detection system to mallÌý900 m2 @£5
Builder' work in connectionÌýallow£20 000
Preliminaries200 00054.069.09
Contractor's management and site staff, accommodation, overtime, protection, phasing and other preliminary costs - say 10%Ìýsay£650
Flush doors; non fire rated; solid core veneer faced; hardwood frames; ironmongery; completeÌý115 @£550
Allowance for services access panelsÌýItem @£5 000
TOTAL OPTION A114 40014.481.3
Cost model - OPTION B
Good-quality hard landscaping to street and the circus quadrant including sunken area, raised planters and ornamental fountain
ÌýElement cost (£)£/m2 gifa% of total cost
Preparatory works26 5007.163.58
Breaking up as option AÌý1750 m2 @£10
Excavate over site to reduce levels and cart awayÌý750 m3 @£12
Pavings and landscaping356 00096.2248.11
50 mm sawn Yorkstone paving slabs to pedestrian areas bedded on sand and 150 mm MOT type 1 granular fillingÌý1540 m2 @£80
70 mm ditto to vehicular areas bedded on sand, 150 mm 21 N/mm2 concrete bed and 150 mm MOT type 1 granular fillingÌý1750 m2 @£100
70 mm sawn Yorkstone curved steps 700 mm wide including yellow brick risers and reinforced concrete steps beneath Ìý150 m2 @£200
Raised stone dias 6 m diameter on foundationsÌýallow£6,800
6 m high 25-30 cm girth semi-mature tree (£1000) in aluminium planter Ìý7@£3,000
Structures120 00032.4316.21
Ornamental circular raised concrete pond line internally with mosaics and externally with Yorkstone, otherwise as option AÌý75 m2 @£1,000
Yorkstone-faced concrete raised planters 4 m wide x 2 m high on 1 m deep foundations to sides of sunken area including imported fill and planting outÌý45 m @£1,000
Street furniture44 00011.895.95
Stainless steel Woodhouse or equivalent seats 2 m longÌý10 @£1,500
Stainless steel railings comprising 1 m high plain bollards at 2.2 m centres with tubular barriers betweenÌý75 m @£350
Stainless steel illuminated MTR bollards 1 m highÌý10 @£700
Stainless steel litter binsÌý4 @£900
Street umbrellas Ìý4 @£1,000
Stainless steel signpost with finial on foundationsÌý-£950
Etched stainless steel finger signsÌý7 @£100
Drainage and external services127 50034.4617.23
Surface water drainage to paved area including surface drains, recessed manhole covers and connection to sewersÌý3600 m2 @£12.50
General street lighting as option AÌý3700 m2 @£17.50
Public highway services and connectionsÌýallow£18 000
Prelminaries66 00017.848.92
As option A - 10%Ìý3500 m2 @£15
TOTAL OPTION B740 000200100
Cost model - OPTION C
Medium-quality hard landscaping to street and the circus quadrant including raised irrigated, grassed and shrubbed areas and a central illuminated sculpture
ÌýElement cost (£)£/m2 gifa% of total cost
Preparatory works23 5006.356.35
Breaking up as option AÌý1750 m2 @£10
Excavate over site to reduce levels and cart awayÌý500 m3 @£12
Pavings and landscaping138 70037.4937.49
200 x 100 x 65 mm red clay paver to various patterns in pedestiral areas bedded on sand and 150 mm MOT type 1 granular fillingÌý2100 m2 @£37.50
Ditto to vehicular areas bedded on sand, 150 mm 21N/mm2 concrete bed and 150 mm MOT type 1 granular fillingÌý850 m2 @£47.50
200 x 133 x 65 mm blue/grey tactile brick pavers bedded on sand, 150 mm 21N/mm2 concrete bed and 150 mm MOT type 1 granular fillingÌý30 m2 @£85
6 m high 25-30 cm girth, semi-mature tree (£1000) in tree pitÌý4 @£1,500
10 m high 35-40 cm girth, semi-mature tree (£2000) in tree pitÌý4 @£2,750
Structures40 40010.9210.92
Raised grassed areas on imported fill, irrigated and surrounded by 0.5 m faced brick bund wall on foundationsÌý720 m2 @£45
Extra over last for shrubbed areasÌý200 m2 @£40
Street furniture52 70014.2414.24
Painted traditional cast iron-ended, three-place seat, 2000 m long as Dorothea or the equivalent with iroko slatsÌý12 @£400
Painted traditional cast iron railing 1 m high to slow radius including setting standards in concreteÌý60 m @£220
Painted Victorian cast iron bollards 1 m high on foundationsÌý7 @£300
Painted Victorian aluminium removable bollards 1 m high on foundationsÌý4 @£400
Painted cast iron enclosed-top litter bins on foundationsÌý4 @£600
Painted cast iron tree guardÌý4 @£250
Painted cast iron 1200 x 1200 m tree grating in frameÌý4 @£400
Painted Victorian cast iron sign post and finial on foundationsÌý-£550
Painted sign fingersÌý6 @£75
Yorkstone and metal sculptureÌýallow£25 000
Drainage and external services81 00021.8921.89
Surface water drainage to paved areas including surface drains, recessed manhole covers and connection to sewersÌý3000 m2 @£10
General street lighting with painted cast iron Victorian columns @ 12 m centres Ìý3700 m2 @£6
Floodlighting to sculptureÌý6 @£800
Public highway services and connectionsÌýallow£9,000
Prelminaries33 7009.119.11
As option A - 10%Ìý3500 m2 @£15
TOTAL OPTION C370 000100100
Cost model - OPTION D
Economical hard landscaping to the circus quadrant including convered roof to open-air market, water and electrical supplies, public lavatories and refurbishment rather than pedestrianisation of street
ÌýElement cost (£)£/m2 gifa% of total cost
Preparatory works13 0003.511.6
Take off bitumen wearing course, lift existing pavings, part break up surfacing and cart awayÌý1750 m2 @£4
Excavate over site to reduce levels and cart awayÌý500 m2 @£12
Pavings and landscaping83 00022.4310.2
40 mm hot-rolled asphalt wearing course laid on roadsÌý600 m2 @£5.50
400 x 400 x 65 mm modular concrete pavers to match existing pavements bedded on sandÌý260 m2 @£13
Re-align existing kerbsÌý110 m @£9
200 x 100 x 85 mm concrete block pavers as road hump 10 x 4 m including blister pavers at endsÌý- £3,000
200 x 100 x 85 mm concrete block pavers bedded on sand and 150 mm MOT type 1 granular fillingÌý2850 m2 @£23
6 m high, 25-30 cm girth, semi-mature tree (£1000) in concrete planter Ìý4 @£1,700
Structures525 000141.8964.5
Okalux sandwich panel open-market canopy roof on structural steel trees on precast concrete columns and foundationsÌý900 m2 @£450
Automatic %22French%22 public conveniences (excluding £10,000 annual maintenance charge) on foundationsÌý2 @£60 000
Street furniture4 9001.330.6
2 m long precast concrete exposed aggregate seat, as Marshalls' Boulevard or equivalent, bolted downÌý4 @£350
Precast concrete circular bollards 1 m highÌý10 @£200
Precast concrete litter bins including lidÌý5 @£300
Drainage and external services114 10030.8414.01
Surface water drainage to paved area including surface drains, recessed manhole covers and connection to sewersÌý2800 m2 @£12
Lighting to underside of open market roofÌý900 m2 @£30
General street lighting with functional lights @ 12 m centresÌý2000 m2 @£4
Underground power supply to market stallsÌý42 @£250
Underground ring main and water supply to market stallsÌý42 @£500
Public highway services and connectionsÌýallow£14 000
Preliminaries74 000209.09
As option A - 10%Ìýsay£650
TOTAL OPTION D814 000220100
ÌýElement cost (£)£/m2 gifa% of total cost
Pavings and landscapingÌýÌýÌý
50 mm standard precast concrete 600 x 750 mm grey paving flags bedded sand 260 m2 @£11-0.14
50 mm landscaped textured 600 x 600 mm natural-coloured paving flags with Cornish granite aggregate finish bedded on sand260 m2 @£220.63
50 mm landscaped ground 600 x 600 mm coloured paving flags with Cornish granite aggregate finish bedded on sand260 m2 @£301.2
80 mm cobblestone sets bedded in cement mortar (1:3) thick on sand on 150 mm MOT type 1 granular filling600 m2 @£90£13.70
Precast concrete kerbs on foundations110 m @£180.27
Granite kerbs on foundations110 m2 @£451.07
Two course of flush granite kerbs 400 mm wide on foundations110 m2 @£85Ìý
Steel framed mast and tensioned PVC (15-year life) tented structure spanning 40 m including foundations600 m2 @£300-16.22
Tensioned structural timber curved canopy, spanning 40 m plywood clad with waterproof covering and including foundations600 m2 @£50016.22
Painted cast iron and steel decorated and glazed canopy 3 m wide to building facade with outer decorated columns120 m @£1,50048.65
Painted cast iron and steel decorated domed eight-column canopy 3.2 m high on foundations-£35 0009.46
Traditional cast iron fountains@£5000 - 20 000-
5.5 m span painted cast iron bandstand (£30 000) on faced brickwork plinth and foundations-£50 00013.5
28 m span painted steel and glass octagonal latticed girder market canopy on steel columns including central clock turret and foundations600 m2 @£700113.5
4.2 m long fabricated painted steel civic bus shelter covered on one side and top with polycarbonate sheeting-£5,0001.35
2.5 x 2 m electronic information board (EIB) on posts and foundations-£13 0003.5
Traditional brick-faced toilet block comprising 2 female WCs, 1 male WC, 4 urinals and 1 disable toile on and inlcuding foundations-£80 00021.62
Street furnitureÌýÌýÌý
Hardwood picnic bench and table set-£5500.15
Hardwood slated benching 3 m radius around tree-£6,0001.62
Aluminium flagpoles 12 m high on foundation-£1,2000.33
All costs in this article are based on a scheme in the South East and should be adjusted by the following location factors for schemes in other regions:
Inner London1.12
Outer London1.06
East Anglia0.98
East Midlands0.96
Northern Ireland0.84
North West1.02
South East1
South West0.98
East Midlands0.97
Yorkshire and Humberside0.98