Adrian Barrick

Contact info

020 7560 4150
  • Ray O'Rourke

    What makes Ray run?


    Out of all the hundreds of thousands of labourers in the industry, a few thousand take degrees. Out of them, a few hundred start a business. But only one has turned that business into a global power in his own lifetime: Ray O’Rourke. We spent three years chasing him to ...

  • Comment

    Why we're too white


    So Prince Charles thinks farmers are more victimised than blacks or gays.

  • Comment

    Labour's philosophical fog


    The PFI cannot survive if it is managed through a series of short-term political fixes. Ministers must decide what role they want the private sector to play in the delivery of public services and organise the system accordingly. If off-balance sheet PFI hospitals are good value, then they must slap ...

  • Comment

    Where will we live tomorrow?


    We have to start somewhere, and at least ministers appear ready to grapple with the big, uncomfortable questions. Unfortunately, answers remain elusive. Lord Falconer will spend £10bn repairing one-third of substandard homes by 2004. But as Gerald Kaufman points out, that will still leave a million uninhabitable (pages 31). More ...

  • News

    John Lewis joins rush to ditch retentions


    Retail company to stop withholding payments to suppliers in order to build longer-term relationships.

  • News

    Brick makers warn of 15% price hike in next year


    Companies say higher gas prices and government legislation is to blame for steep rise in costs.

  • News

    Hold tight – the downturn has started say forecasters


    The good times are still rolling, but economic experts downgrade output forecasts for next two years.

  • News

    Government set to insist on training quotas


    Transport minister considering quotas to head off labour problems experienced on the Jubilee Line.

  • Features

    Fast food race hots up


    The top four supermarkets are battling to cut build times and costs. But, as delegates heard at a ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø-organised food retail conference on 16 June, one of the sector’s biggest challenges is to make sure savings don’t come at the expense of safety.

  • Features

    Does the Construction Act really work?


    According to a ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø/CMS Cameron McKenna survey, subcontractors are grumbling about its payment system, lawyers are using it to sandbag the opposition, and almost everyone has reservations about its adjudication rules. Two years on and with a review imminent, should changes be made?

  • News

    Civic pride should be new motto, says prime minister


    Tony Blair tells ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Awards audience that designers and contractors must set the highest standards.

  • News

    Railtrack offers carrot, or stick, to consultants


    Bonuses of up to 20% are on offer, but professionals may lose profit if they fail to perform well.

  • News

    Raynsford may use Regs to unsaddle cowboys


    Construction minister tells conference fringe meeting that firms with quality mark may be able to self-certify.

  • News

    Fight over porters and cleaners threatens the PFI


    Contractors say the PFI is not viable unless ancillary staff transfer from hospital control to PFI consortia.