… for government that could change everything

1 The Stern review

Terms of reference: To produce an assessment of the implications of moving to a low-carbon economy, and look at how it applies to the UK in the context of existing climate change goals.

Progress: Sir Nicholas Stern’s final report was published last month, and quantifies the extent of natural disaster that will result if global warming continues unchecked. But Stern says the situation is not irreversible. The report says energy efficiency offers the greatest savings in carbon emissions. The report has led to debate about the imposition of new green taxes.

2 The Eddington transport study

Terms of reference: To examine the long-term links between transport and the UK's economic productivity, growth and stability, and look at social and environmental impacts of transport decisions

Progress: Sir Rod Eddington was commissioned to undertake the study in last year’s Budget, but the final report will not be published until this year’s pre-Budget statement. The final report is expected to back a new north-south high speed link, recommend demand management of overused roads through road tolling, and look to speed up planning decisions.

3 The Barker review of land use planning

Terms of reference: To consider how planning policy and procedures can better deliver economic growth and prosperity, by increasing speed, efficiency, flexibility, transparency and predictability.

Progress: Economist Kate Barker released her interim report in July and the final report is due with the pre-Budget statement. In the interim report Barker said her final report would look at ways of reducing complexity and delay in the planning system. She is expected to come up with incentives for local planning authorities that demonstrate they are pro-growth.

4 The Lyons inquiry into local government

Terms of reference: To consider the case for changing local government funding in England and make recommendations for council tax reform. Just over a year after the inquiry started, the government extended the inquiry to cover the function of local government and its future role.

Progress: Sir Michael Lyons’ final report is due for release at the end of the year. The government’s local government white paper has already taken on board the thinking of Lyons’ interim report, released last December. The final report is expected to make radical recommendations to encourage local authorities to be more enterprising.

5 The Hills assessment of social housing

Terms of reference: To look at the role of social housing and whether the system is flexible enough to cope with people's changing circumstances. It will explore how social housing can help create mixed communities.

Progress: Professor John Hills is due to report to communities minister Ruth Kelly by December. Hills’ brief is wide-ranging and he has pledged to re-think the fundamentals. He has also been briefed to take an in-depth look at Social Homebuy.