All 2012 Olympics articles – Page 15
Chancellor to cancel £1.7bn of contracts
Cuts also to include £27m from Olympics Delivery Agency and £150m from Labour government’s housing pledgeÂ
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Get jumping
On your marks, get set… STOP! If you’re a developer you’ll have to wait for the Olympic legacy plans to come along, then try to find out which of the myriad public bodies you have to deal with, then slog it out over who is paying for what – that’s ...
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Olympic builders could plunge east London into housing crisis
RSL calls for compulsory purchase of private rented homes to protect low-income tenants
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Why the olympic colours have to be green
The sustainability credentials of the games depend on a number of core themes. Here, Rory Brooke outlines how these themes are made real by on-the-ground projects
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Eastern promise
Sonia Soltani looks at where development money is going in eastern Europe and how much of it is really for regeneration
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Where there’s muck there’s brass
With the contaminated 2012 Olympics site needing £200m spent on it before construction begins, Redding Thompson looks at the changing environment of brownfield development, the challenges and the opportunities
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Lessons for London
The 2012 Olympics promises to be the most sustainable ever. So what can the London team learn from the 2000 Games - dubbed the Green Games? Who better to say than the man in charge of green issues at Sydney, Colin Dimitroff
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After 2012
When Seb Coe won it for Britain last year, his masterstroke was to emphasise the ‘lasting legacy' of the London Olympic bid. Saba Salman finds out what's planned and what's already happening in three key areas: the built environment, jobs and the community