All ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø articles in 18 December 2009 – Page 7

  • News

    Broadway Malyan wins British school job in Abu Dhabi


    Broadway Malyan has pipped Foster + Partners and Aedas to a commission for a British school in Abu Dhabi

  • News

    Flop of the year


    The Battersea power station chimney

  • News

    Deal of the year


    Balfour Beatty and Parsons Brinckerhoff

  • News

    How the state helped – and didn’t


    The public sector provided the vast bulk of any work there was in 2009, with fears that spending would slow before the election not holding true

  • News

    Dubai bailout fails to cheer UK creditors


    $10bn rescue by Abu Dhabi unlikely to lead to quicker debt repayments

  • News

    A green revolution


    The carbon-cutting campaign gathered momentum as the year went on, culminating in the Copenhagen summit of world leaders in December – and a last-minute appearance by US president Barack Obama

  • News

    Three bright spots


    The aquatic centre roof lift

  • News

    An industry of ill-repute


    The public’s opinion of construction took a hammering in 2009 with the Office of Fair Trading’s allegations of tender malpractice against 110 firms

  • News

    Hanging together


    Construction’s disparate yet oddly indistinguishable trade bodies have, as noted by James Wates some years ago, long borne a worrying resemblance to Monty Python’s Judean People’s Front, the People’s Front of Judea and the Judean Popular People’s Front, at least in the eyes of Whitehall

  • News

    A Right royal row


    Prince Charles is well-known in for his vitriol towards all things carbuncular, but nobody could have predicted the row that kicked off when he criticised Richard Rogers’ designs for the Chelsea Barracks scheme in April

  • News

    Quotes of the year


    "The crisis was predictable and probably avoidable. The final confusion in communication made a bad situation worse"Sir Andrew Foster, former chair of the audit commission, gives his verdict on the Learning and Skills Council debacle"He’s a menace to London"George Ferguson, former RIBA president, on Rafael Viñoly"I’ll stay on. A million ...

  • News

    A trail of destruction


    The year began on a bleak note when it was confirmed on 23 January that the UK had entered recession for the first time since the early nineties

  • News

    This man must be stopped


    No hard hat, no high-vis jacket, no harness, and I suspect his reindeer were doing more than 10mph too

  • Features

    Projects that went pearshaped


    Here, in order of horribleness, are six projects that caused grief to all concerned, although they did give ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø journalists an awful lot to write about

  • Comment

    Mix it up


    Much as I respect John Bale (4 December, page 30), I have to take issue with him over procurement

  • Tesco

    Tesco plots return to regeneration market


    £400m Woolwich project among those set to restart as confidence seeps back into sector

  • Features

    London's latest landmarks


    Canary Wharf continued to grow during the 2000s, establishing itself as London’s major business centre

  • Features

    Industry and state


    Mankind’s ancient struggle with red tape reached a climax in 2005 after the draft Code for Sustainable Homes joined consultations on Parts B, L and F of the ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø Regulations

  • News

    High-speed rail timetable set for March


    Detailed plans to build a high-speed rail network in the UK will be announced next spring, transport secretary Andrew Adonis announced on Monday

  • Features

    Health and safety


    When the annual number of site deaths passed 105 in the first year of the decade, there was a widespread sense that something had to be done