All ڶ articles in 11 December 2009 – Page 4

  • Houses of Parliament

    Government appoints manager for £370bn property portfolio


    Partner at Ernst & Young pledges to improve efficiency as head of new Property Unit

  • Grant Shapps

    Housing body warns over Tory plan to 'give veto to Nimbys'


    National Housing Federation expresses concern over proposal to require 90% local support for new rural homes

  • Housing

    Housing order growth bucks overall 5% decline


    Figures reveal rise of 15% in private commercial orders despite drop in construction orders in last quarter

  • Andrew Glover, Executive Director and Head of Hill’s Manchester office

    Hill appoints Leeds director for new position


    Chartered QS will help develop the quantum dispute and expert witness services in Yorkshire

  • News

    Poles apart


    This Clapham builder was snapped by Chris Shaw when, he says, slippery weather made standing on a scaffold tube in trainers even less wise than usual. Though Chris was on a roof at the time, he assures us he was stationed “very safely behind a wall with full PPE on”. ...

  • Comment

    They should have said


    It was with some incredulity and confusion that I read the news item “Industry slams payment law plans” (13 November, page 12)

  • Comment

    Planning obsolescence


    I was most impressed with the first question posed at last week’s Homes and Communities Agency “open meeting” on 26 November

  • News

    Humphrey’s house


    This masterplan by Bennetts Associates is intended to turn the area around Manchester’s Piccadilly station into a civil service campus

  • Features

    Inn recovery: The hotels market


    With the pound weak and tourism strong, the UK hotels market is set for a resurgence in 2010. Emily Wright finds out how you can book yourself in

  • Paul Morrell

    Morrell plans to slash green waste in government


    Construction adviser’s first task is to eliminate duplicated research and work overlap

  • Features

    The tracker: Feeling gloomy


    Bad weather, falling activity indices and sharp declines in north-west England and the East Midlands marked October down as a month to forget. Experian Business Strategies reports

  • Comment

    Timber frame inspections: Everything you need for a fire


    Timber-frame sites are sustainable, technologically sophisticated and accidents waiting impatiently to happen, says Paul Hymers. And he should know – he has to inspect them

  • News

    Whitbread plans eco hotel


    Whitbread, the owner of the Premier Inn chain, has announced that it will green its entire stock of hotels and build a low carbon hotel

  • Tony Bingham

    Don’t get your suspenders in a twist


    The Construction Act says it is lawful to down tools if you haven’t been paid what you’re owed. But what happens if you get it wrong and the money isn’t owed?

  • Comment

    My digital life: Daniel Hunt


    What is your preferred means of communication?

  • Comment

    Whistling in the dark


    Further to your recent “whistleblower” item (13 November, page 15), it seems the proposed action by Balfour Beatty ex-employees is driven by an assumption of continuing unemployment with a commensurate loss of prospective earnings

  • Comment

    Hansom: Dangerous liaisons


    Construction has come over all drama and intrigue, it seems. We therefore invite you, ladies and gentlemen, to a cloak and dagger meeting, a masked party and a duelling lesson. Don’t forget your wigs

  • News

    Head to head: Copenhagen


    Targets vs flexibility - Both sides of the eco debate agree that uncertainty is the main threat to UK plc. But their solutions are very different

  • News

    Contractors face green tax crackdown


    Contractors may have to pay millions of pounds in back tax after it emerged that HM Revenue & Customs is clamping down on projects thought exempt from the aggregates levy

  • Money

    PFI contractors could be left to foot energy fines


    Firms fear they face thousands of pounds of penalties for occupants’ bills under new legislation